
Capture & Preserve Your Personal Story


Here to help individuals, families and organizations capture and preserve their unique stories by serving as a conduit for meaningful conversations in a warm, positive environment


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Meet Amy

A catalyst for meaningful conversation and bringing positive energy to this world



StoryLinewithAmy promotes and captures all things — the simple joys of life, along with its struggles and challenges that individuals and families have shared with me basically my entire life.

I am here to provide a safe space to help preserve YOUR story-your legacy while simultaneously acknowledging and celebrating common ground, working through differences that divide and hurt, and increasing understanding and acceptance.

I have advanced degrees in Social Work and Public Health and over twenty year’s experience providing counseling support and project management in hospital, university and not-for-profit settings. Additionally, I have certifications in not for profit management, public radio, organizing and as an end of life duola.

With a love for storytelling and helping others as an independent audio interviewer I am able to spend more time with individuals to fully capture their story how they want it recorded and preserved.